Explore your journey

Discover your unique journey at your own pace. Explore, slow down, and create balance. Reflect this balance in your travel experiences and get inspired by new, undiscovered destinations. Explore your journey with our Fab Seventies collection.

Discover Fab Seventies

Create balance

The essence of our Fab Seventies collection lies in creating balance. Step out of your daily routine and recharge in nature, for example by spotting wildlife on a safari trip in Gondwana Park or retreating to a relaxing lodge. Enjoy the local culture and traditional dishes prepared by the locals in a unique way.

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The Fab Seventies collection

Earthy colours and warm tones. Our Fab Seventies collection introduces two new suitcase colours and new bag models. The bags and accessories are made of natural, sturdy materials and have a tranquil appearance. Functional and therefore ideal for any trip.

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Explore our story

As a travel brand for women, we encourage you to gain travel experiences that not only enrich you, but also help create a balance between what you receive and what you contribute during your trip. We aim to inspire women travellers and support women entrepreneurs around the world so that travel can be enriching for everyone.

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