SUITSUIT: NEW COLLECTION | The story behind Fusion

For some time, we have been running with an idea in our heads, and now we can finally share it with you. The new SUITSUIT collection: Fusion. A combination between the optimism of the 1950s and the idealism of the 1970s. Two iconic eras, which create a welcome sense of peace after recent years of crisis and uncertainty. Besides, don't we all love a bit of retro and nostalgia? Read more about the story behind the new collection.  

A fusion of two iconic eras: the 50s and 70s 

Fusion is a new collection inspired by two iconic eras: the 1950s and the 1970s. Eric Koedijk, Head Of Design at SUITSUIT, explains: "After the dark forties, the economic recovery in the 1950s created a sense of optimism. Fresh pastel colours symbolised positive change at that time. In addition, the 1970s were a time of idealism and the need for a better world and more contact with nature. In our busy society and after the past years of uncertainty and crisis, we see this need again."

The inspiration behind the Fusion collection

In the post-war 1950s, rebuilding played an important role. The war was over, and the economy was making its recovery, creating a sense of optimism and opportunity from society. This positivity radiated into everyday life: from pink phones to light blue cars. Life was full of colour again and this was reflected in the designs of the time.

The 1970s saw a renewed interest in nature after an era of overconsumption. A period when a sense of open-mindedness became the norm. At the time, this was clearly reflected in lifestyle, fashion, and interiors. Like the need for optimism, this movement can be seen again in today's society: the need to connect with nature, consume less, and strive for a better world. Eric: “We’ve been particularly inspired by the interior design back in the Seventies. Comfortable seating pits, warm colours, soft shapes, and natural fabrics. The rediscovery of nature reinforced by the oil crisis of the early Seventies, lead to the use of natural materials and the use of warm natural hues. We’ve combined these natural materials such as linen and cotton with earthy tones and created a balanced collection.”

The sharp lines and shapes of the Fab Seventies blend stylishly with the colourful palette of the Fabulous Fifties. It's a refreshing combination; the chalky pastel and warm 'Café Latte' feel. Eric: "It gives this collection a mature and sophisticated look. But above all, these colours create a sense of calm and positivity. An on-trend fusion of the two previous collections, but also of two iconic eras." 

A small glimpse into the future  

At SUITSUIT, we are always evolving. We travel to different places around the world, but we also travel through time. The influences over the years capture a place in our hearts. Eric: "What the next collection will be inspired by, I'm still keeping that a secret. Maybe I'll be able to share a sneak peek later this year." Stay tuned!