SUITSUIT INSPIRED BY | Femke gives us an insider's look at Maison ELLE Amsterdam

The French magazine ELLE brings a touch of Paris to Amsterdam with Maison ELLE, a unique blend of French elegance and Amsterdam charm. The atmosphere of the hotel exudes French etiquette, products, and music, while welcoming guests with a subtle Dutch twist – even Dutch tulips find a place on the tables. In this inspiring setting, hotel manager Femke Rademakers gives us a behind-the-scenes look, sharing how her personal journey led her to this special place. 

Can you briefly introduce yourself? 

"I'm Femke Rademakers, 27 years old, and I work as the hotel manager at Maison ELLE. After studying at the hotel school in Maastricht, I moved to Amsterdam two years ago. Hospitality is in my blood; I’ve always worked in hotels and restaurants. Additionally, I have a great passion for social media and marketing, which perfectly comes together in my role at Maison ELLE." 

How would you describe Maison ELLE to someone? 

"Maison ELLE is unique. It's about more than just a stay. It's about empowerment, smiling beauty inside and out, and the French joie de vivre. The moment you step in, you notice that we do everything to make you feel welcome – from a glass of bubbly to the personal approach we offer. What I love about our concept is that the magazine truly comes to life here. The vintage and modern ELLE covers in the rooms tell the story of the brand, and our community connects Amsterdam and Paris through special events. Our open spaces create a homely atmosphere, and since we work with a small team, we're always readily available for our guests." 

"We don't just want to provide a place to stay but create an experience that lingers." 

What does a typical day look like for you? 

"A day at Maison ELLE is never boring. We're a boutique hotel with 32 rooms, so you really build a connection with the guests, who often stay for several days. I start my mornings with a cup of coffee and a chat with the guests to discuss their plans for the day. We love giving tips about the less touristy spots in Amsterdam. In the evenings, it's always fun to see the ladies getting ready for a night out while their partners enjoy a drink downstairs." 

What inspired you to be part of a place that brings women together? 

"Female friendships have always been essential to me. My mother and friends play a significant role in my life, which helped me a lot when I moved to Amsterdam. My travels have also shown me how important human connections are, especially with other women. What I love about the events we organise at Maison ELLE is that they bring together women from different cultures and backgrounds." 

"You don't need to speak the same language to understand each other. That's the beauty of being a woman." 

Are there plans to expand Maison ELLE to more cities? Is there a city you’d trade Amsterdam for? 

"It's ELLE's dream to open hotels worldwide. Personally, I'd love to work in Lisbon or Madrid. The culture, the food, and the way of life in those cities attract me immensely. Lisbon would be a dream, but Madrid would also be a great fit with my interests in fashion and culture." 

Do you easily make new connections while traveling? What helps with that? 

"During my backpacking trip through Indonesia and my internship in Madrid, I met many new people. Being a woman and sharing experiences creates special connections that last, even if you don't see each other often." 

What advice do you have for women who want to make new connections but find the first step difficult? 

"It can be nerve-wracking to approach people, especially when you're in a new environment. What I always try to remember is that everyone is there to make a connection. Be the first to make a move and stay true to yourself – that's the most important thing."